Home use pneumatic ultrasound shockwave machine
Home use pneumatic ultrasound shockwave machine
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Working Theory
Shockwave therapy equipment is change a pneumatic pulse sound waves transformed into accurate ballistic shock compressed gas to produce energy ,through a physical medium to transmit the human body, it is use the bullet body drive inside the handle to pulse impact site of action on human pain has very good results. Common effects: improved blood circulation and accelerate bone healing and analgesic effects.
Shockwave treatment for ED involves using an acoustic wave that goes into the penis. These sound wave are focused onto the penis and perineal region. The perineal the testicles. Shockwave treatment for ED involves a cellular interaction. This reaction can trigger increased blood flow and can create regeneration of tissue. As seen above, shockwaves treat ED using a shockwave therapy device Using this device, the sound wave is placed along the shaft of the penis and pelvic floor region Our Shockwave Therapy Machine is used for the treatment of shock therapy for treatment reasons, not just symptoms. A breakthrough treatment system can bring lasting erectile function and new sexual spontaneity to millions of people-painless, natural and safe.
Ultrasound therapy causes mechanical vibrations, from high frequency sound waves, on skin and soft tissue via an aqueous solution (Gel). A gel is applied either to the applicator head or to the skin, which helps the sound waves to evenly penetrate the skin. The ultrasound applicator converts power from the device into acoustic power that can cause thermal or non-thermal effects. The sound waves creates mioroscopio stimulation in the deep tissue molecules that increases heat and friction. The warming effect encourages and promotes healing in the soft tissues by increasing the metabolism at the level of the tissue cells.
1. Tennis elbow
Painful inflammation of the tendon attachment on the lateral elbow
2. Shoulder pain with or without calcification
Painful limitation of shoulder movement
3. Golfer's elbow
Painful inflammation of the tendon attachment on the medial elbow
4. Bursitis trochanterica
Painful periostitis of the hip
5. Patella tip syndrome
Inflammation of the tibial edge due to excessive strain
6. Tibial edge syndrome
Inflammation of the tibial edge due to excessive strain
7. Achillodynia
Painful irritation of the achilles tendon
8. Painful heel
Painful,mostly chronic inflammation of the heel
9. Inflammation of the tendon attachment
Painful inflammation of tendon attachments due to overexertion or improper strain,or due to degenerative processes
10. Acupuncture points
Pain therapy through that treatment of acupuncture points
11. Painful trigger points
Acute and chronic pain in the back,shoulder,neck,etc.due to permanently shortened and thickened muscles
1. Ingrowth of Neovascularization, Reversal of Chronic Inflammation, Stimulation of Collagen
2. Ballistic pneumatic shockwave with multiple tips on applicator
3. Max energy up to 10Bar and frequency up to 21Hz
4. High effectivenes, fastly relieve pain;
5. Non-invasive, no anesthetic, convenient and fast;
6. Each nursing only 20-30 minutes, 5-10 nursing each session;
7. Widely applied to different soft tissue treatments.