Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy Machine ESWT Shockwave
Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy Machine ESWT Shockwave
Note: You cannot order on your own. If you want to know more, please contact customer service via WhatsApp/Facebook, etc. Thank you very much

I fell on the sidewalk, while running, and broke my patella ( knee cap) in multiple pieces and tore my ligaments & tendons, requiring me to have 2 surgeries within 2 months and be in a full leg brace for 5 months, which caused me to have tons of scar tissue and become unable to bend my knee at all.. I also lost most leg muscle and fought terrible infections. I desperately needed something to help increase blood circulation and stimulate my knee muscles plus help break up all the scar tissue, which was preventing me from bending my knee. I search and found this shock wave therapy machine. It is very powerful and I’m able to control the intensity for different areas around my knee and leg. To my pleasant surprise, I’ve been using the device for 2 weeks and it’s truly helping me to loosen the scar tissue and have progress in bending my knee. It is also helping with blood circulation and lessening the bleeding blood blisters I’ve had since the 2nd surgery.! I’m excited about my progress so far, and will certainly continue to use the machine for a long time to come.! I’m also using it to help with loosening my tight neck and back muscles too. This is a professional device and I’m happy I made the purchase. I checked around and found out that PT’s are charging over $200 for a treatment with this device, so it will pay for itself in approximately 8 sessions. I give myself 2 sessions per day, therefore it’s already paid for itself a long while ago.! I’m a happy customer.